+33(0)6 79 53 47 15 | +33(0)6 13 77 16 30 đź“Ť 99 AV. Maurice Chevalier, 06150 CANNES elitetenniscenter@hotmail.com

Our Medical pole

In a constant search to improve our services, and to guarantee our players a high quality medical follow-up, throughout the year, we have created a Medical Pole within Elite Tennis Center, made up of specialists whose skills in the sporting environment are known and recognized.

The vocation of the medical team is:

  • To react very quickly and to provide the athlete with a targeted response in the event of an injury and personalized support during the rehabilitation period, in close collaboration with our tennis coaches and physical trainers.
  • To prevent potential injuries by a follow-up consultation with the players more or less frequently depending on the diagnosis.

Doctor Ciasco

General practitioner

Fabrice Martz

Sports podiatrist